I got up this morning with the intention of writing my blog post first thing.  That is, until I saw the topic.  That reminded me that I had a flyer due today before Roundtable.  What is Roundtable, you ask?  Roundtable is a monthly meeting for Cub Scout Leaders.  I am the Cub Scout Activities Chairperson and I am running a major event for the district in March.  Rushing along, I got that done just minutes before I had to leave.  Where did I have to go?  To the school to volunteer.  I was Library Helper today.

I can’t think of any place I would have rather been this morning than at the school library with my daughter and her classmates.  I had a great time checking out their books for them and visiting with the librarian.  Normally I’m the computer helper and this was the first time I got to visit the library.  The librarian was wonderful and we instantly struck up conversation.  I suspect there is something that bonds us nerdy book types.  That’s fine with me.  I let the teacher know that I had a great time and would be happy to be invited back as Library Helper any time!

I don’t know of anyone in my family who ever really volunteered much.  My mom worked hard as a single parent and definitely did not have the time to volunteer for very many things.  I guess you could say that I’m the extreme opposite.  I remember how much I looked up to the room moms when I was in elementary school (I still remember them all) and I knew that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Mission accomplished!

There is a saying in Scouts that many people first have an introduction to their vocation or avocation in Boy Scouts.  This is true.  The Cub Scout program has an Academic & Sports Belt Loop known as Heritage Belt Loop and the family tree requirement for this badge was the very thing that got me so addicted to genealogy nearly a decade ago.  I still have that pedigree chart that I wrote while planning that den meeting for my husband, the leader.  For several years I have been a Genealogy Merit Badge counselor and I couldn’t be happier than I am when introducing a boy to family history and seeing a true interest develop as he finds his ancestors on a census record or passenger list.  That’s what it’s all about!

Next week I will spend time at two different schools on three different days.  One day I will be using hot glue to attach graham crackers to milk cartons for the foundations of the kindergarten gingerbread house project.  What could be more fun than hot glue?  I can think of a few things but it will all be worth it when I see those smiling little five year old faces.  ;0)