Tips for Emailing DNA Matches

Each week I get requests from DNA matches that say things like, “Hi! You’re a DNA match to me and I’d love to know how we’re related.” I always look forward to new connections and I’d like to make it easier for us to connect. Here are a few suggestions to help you...

Happy Easter!

As the first grandchild, I was the lucky recipient of Harvey, the bunny that my grandfather won at Wolfe’s Bakery, one of the yummiest places of my childhood. In this picture, it seems as though I was more interested in the candy or whatever else was going on in...

Collecting Cousins

My name is Jennifer and I am a cousin collector. My research plan this morning was to find a living descendant of my maternal grandmother’s brother, Tom. Tom had two sons, who my grandmother referred to as “Timmy and Tommy.” Within 30 minutes, I had...